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Yiddish Culture

New website will highlight the once thriving Yiddish cultural life in Paris

737 426 transpressnz

דעם זומער, נאָך אַלץ בימי־הקאָראָנע, רחמנא לצלן, קומען פֿאָר ייִדישע זומער־אוניװערסיטעטן, על־פּי רוב, נאָר װירטועל, ד״ה דורכן „זום” למשל, יעדנפֿאַלס אױפֿן אינטערנעט. אױף אָט אַזאַ אופֿן האָט מען נאָר װאָס…

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Verter fun der Vokh – Poetry

1000 700 League for Yiddish

אין‮ די שולן לערנט מען זיך‮ געוויי֜נטלעך אויס‮ ווי אי֜בערצולייענען‮ און פֿאַרשטיי֜ן פּאָע֜זיע‮. דאָס אָ֜נשרײַבן‮ אַ ליד‮ ‮‮איז, פֿאַרשטיי֜ט זיך, אַ סך שווע֜רער‮, באַפֿרי֜דיקט עס אָ֜בער‮ שטאַרק דעם שרײַ֜בער פֿו֜נעם‮ ליד. אַז מע‮ ווייסט ווי‮‮ אָ֜נצוהייבן‮ קען יע֜דער איי֜נער אַליי֜ן נע֜מען‮ שרײַבן…

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Verter fun der Vokh: דער זו֜מער־זיי֜גער – Daylight Savings Time

852 480 League for Yiddish

Supporters of daylight saving time (DST) argue that it saves energy, promotes outdoor activity on summer evenings, and is, therefore, good for both physical and psychological health, reduces traffic accidents…

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Verter fun der Vokh: דער אינטערנאַציאָנאַ֜לער פֿרוי֜ענטאָג – International Women’s Day

968 681 League for Yiddish

אַ‮ פֿרײלעכן‮ אינטערנאַציאָנאַלן‮ פֿרויענטאָג!‮
Happy International Women’s Day!

Today the world honors the achievements of women, who are leaders in the movements for social justice, climate change and equality in all parts of the world‮‮.

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Verter fun der Vokh: די באַנײַ֜עװדיקע ענע֜רגיע – Renewable Energy

800 600 League for Yiddish

Renewables made up 26.2 percent of global electricity generation in 2018. That’s expected to rise to 45 percent by 2040. Most of the increase will likely come from solar, wind,…

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STM, what we think, what we want, by Theodore Bikel

1024 793 SaveTheMusic

STM, what we think, what we want as expressed by Theodore Bikel in an interview with Miri Koral, founding director of The California Institute for Yiddish Culture & Language (CIYCL).…

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Yiddish professor goes viral in town hall with President Biden

1000 630 Jacob Kornbluh

President Joe Biden engaged in a rare moment of kvelling during a live broadcast of a CNN town hall in Milwaukee on Tuesday night. “I actually know some Yiddish,” Biden revealed during…

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Watch “The Dybbuk” online for free!

900 677 New Yiddish Rep

The Dybbuk, expressionistic drama in four acts by S. Ansky, performed in 1920 in Yiddish as Der Dibek and published the following year. Originally titled Tsvishn Tsvey Veltn (“Between Two…

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Travels to Yiddishlands: Three Centers of Yiddish Responses to the Holocaust

1024 692 Naya Lekht

In an attempt to classify writing on the Holocaust, the United States Library of Congress first recognized “Holocaust literature” in 1968, even though people wrote of the horrors witnessed during…

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Chava Rosenfarb – The Tree of Life – Volume 1 – חװה ראָזענפֿאַרב – דער בוים פֿון לעבן – באַנד איינס – YouTube

774 511 Yiddish With Noyekh - feat. Gustavo

דוד קאַץ שטעלט פֿאָר, לייענט און פֿאַרטײַטשט, דאָס ערשטע קאַפּיטל פֿון חיים גראַדעס קלאַסישן ראָמאַן װעגן דער מוסר־באַװעגונג, צמח אַטלאַס: די ישיבֿה. פֿאַרשרײַבט זיך איצטער אין קאַנאַל און לאָמיר־זשע לייענען…

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