Yiddish Language and Culture, with Armando Paone

Yiddish Language and Culture, with Armando Paone

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Yiddish Language and Culture, with Armando Paone
65 Laguna St, San Francisco, California, United States 94102

An ongoing series on conversational and written Yiddish presented in the Jewish and Roman script along with a study of East European Jewish culture and history. Meets Fridays 3-4:30pm via Zoom.

The class is filled now and there are no plans to accept new students. If you want to speak to Armando, phone him at the number to the right.

Openhouse enables San Francisco Bay Area LGBTQ+ seniors to overcome the unique challenges they face as they age by providing housing, direct services and community programs. Classes are open to all.

Contact Information
Contact Name: Openhouse Bob Ross LGBT Senior Center