
Compre hoy mismo su ejemplar. Lea los interesantes artículos de Frida Kristal y otros autores

1024 768 League for yiddish

Compre hoy mismo su ejemplar y lea los interesantes artículos de Frida Kristal y otros autores que intentan responder a la ausencia de soldados por mas de 28 horas y…

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Verter fun der Vokh – War In Israel

1024 576 league for yiddish

Fifty years after the Yom Kippur war, the State of Israel has experienced a huge surprise attack during a Jewish holiday. This time the attackers were Hamas terrorists who attacked…

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Verter fun der Vokh – Distracted Driving

680 402 League For Yiddish

יאָ, יאָ, מי‮ר האָבן אײַך געזען. איר האָט זיך געמאַכט נישט וויסנדיק, אָבער געווען קלאָר ווי דער טאָג אַז איר טעקסטלט בשעת איר פֿירט דעם אויטאָ, קוקט זיך נישט אום…

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Verter fun der Vokh – Vegetarianism

690 900 JewishWebsite

Vegetarians eat foods made of plants – beans, legumes, fruits and grains – but no animal flesh. Although it can involve more diet planning in order to ensure a sufficient…

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A Gut Yor – Duo Gefilte Fish

638 351 JewishWebsite

A Gut Yor – Duo Gefilte Fish

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A Gut Yor

636 351 JewishWebsite

A Gut Yor

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Steven Skybell on stage as Tevye in the National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene production. Photo by Lev Radin.

Is Tevye returning to Europe? Yiddish ‘Fiddler on the Roof’ hopes to head to Germany

880 495 Mike Wagenheim

The star of the Yiddish-language “Fiddler on the Roof” production thought it would be no more than a summer curiosity. But after a two-year hiatus induced by the coronavirus pandemic,…

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Take 10 minutes today to remember some great writers senselessly murdered for political purposes

852 420 Congress for Jewish Culture

Precisely 70 years ago today, on August 12th, 1952, 13 Jews were murdered by the Soviet regime in the infamous Lubyanka Prison, including 5 Yiddish writers, including Dovid Bergelson, Itzik…

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