
“Papirosn” (Cigarettes), lyrics by Herman Yablokoff

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This song by Herman Yablokoff tells the story of an orphan cigarette vendor who stands in a corner selling “Papirosn” on a cold afternoon in the rain. PAPIROSN פאפיעראסן A…

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April 23, 1900: Joseph Green, renowned Yiddish theater actor, is born

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On April 23, 1900, Joseph Green was born in Poland, who emigrated to the United States in 1924 and became a renowned actor in the Yiddish theater. In 1915, during…

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In Varshever Ghetto is haynt joidesh nisn, by Binem Heller

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In Varshever Ghetto is haynt joidesh nisn, escrito por Binem Heller, declamado por Hadassa Kestin. Listen: Programs on Yiddish literature and culture recorded at Montreal’s Jewish Public Library, 1953-2005, click…

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“Zog Nit Keynmol,” performed by The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus

939 602 SaveTheMusic

Zog Nit Keynmol Az du Gueist Dem Letztn Veg… Never say that you are walking on your last road… With these words starts the song written by Hirsh Glick in the Vilna…

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Seder for a Better World An Activist’s Hagodeh

1024 578 Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring

The Passover seder is an activist’s dream of cultural ritual—a debate with dinner and drinking: an evening for celebrating liberation through cross-generational questioning, story-telling, challenging, and eating— bitter, sweet, salty—accompanied…

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STM presents Jewish music for quarantine: “Bei Mir bist du shein”, performed to the rhythm of various artists and composers

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“Bei Mir bist du shein” performed to the rhythm of various famous composers such as Gershwin, Tchaikovsky, Beethoven, etc. And “Bei Mir Bist Du Shein” in multiple versions from all…

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Chana Roth – “Shtil Di Nakht’ (Partisan’s song in Yiddish)

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This is a Partisan’s song – a partizaner lid – composed by H.Glik and performed in circa mid-60’s by Israeli singer Hannah/Chana Roth. SHTIL DI NAKHT in yiddish means “The…

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A Yiddish song of hope during the coronavirus

1024 576 פֿאָרווערטס־רעדאַקציע

  הרבֿ יואל ראָטה איז באַקאַנט דעם חסידישן עולם קודם ווי אַ בראַצלאַווער רבֿ, וואָס פֿירט אָן מיט דער וויליאַמסבורגער ישיבֿה „תּפֿארת התּורה‟. ראָטהס ישיבֿה איז באַרימט ווי אַן אָרט,…

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Gevalt in Our Stars

1024 512 Yiddish Book Center

A Brief History of Yiddish Astrologic Practices In a striking Rosh Hashanah greeting card from the early 1900s, an angelic figure festooned with flowers directs a group of children to…

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