
נעמט זיך צום נײַסטן קעסטל־רעטעניש — דעם 10טן סעפּטעמבער

959 600 מינע־ליפֿשע ווישוואַנאַט

דאָס נײַסטע רעטעניש, וואָס געפֿינט זיך דאָ, נעמט אַרײַן, צווישן אַנדערע טעמעס, ווערטער פֿאַרבונדן מיט וואַסער, גראַמאַטיק און רוים.

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Fishalakh in Vaser (Fish in Water), a psycho song in Yiddish regarding love went bad with the “forshpil” group

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די קאַפּעליע „פֿאָרשפּיל“, מיט דער זינגערין סאַשע לוריא בראָש, האָט לעצטנס אַרויסגעלאָזט אַן אַלבאָם „צוויי“. דאָס קאָמפּאַקטל האָט באַקומען אַ סך אָפּרופֿן אין דער אַמעריקאַנער ייִדישער פּרעסע צוליב אַ פּראָפֿיל פֿון…

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Oif der yidisher gas in Meksike – a spetsyele trefung mit Sophie Rubinstein

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Oif der yidisher gas in Meksike – a spetsyele trefung mit Sophie Rubinstein In spite of the fact that Mexico was a melting pot for Jewish immigrants coming from different…

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“Der Bund in Bilder, 1957-1897” (The Bund in images, 1957-1897), download it and read it for free in Yiddish and/or English

1000 700 Yiddish Book Center

Jewish labor organizing wasn’t limited to the United States. In 1897, organizers meeting in Minsk founded the Jewish Labor Bund to champion the rights of Jewish workers in Russia and…

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“Flower and song: the voices of the Yiddish poets murdered in the Soviet Union”, based on a script written by Lererke Vele Zabludowsky Z ”L

800 600 Kehila Ashkenazi de México

An incredible task by the Idishe Shtub Mx, IWO Buenos Aires and the Kehila Ashkenazi of Mexico based on a script written by Lererke Vele Zabludowsky Z ”L and with…

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Arts, Provocation, and Jewish History – with Miri Koral

876 417 JewishLIVE

Arts, Provocation, and Jewish History with Aaron Henne Episode 9 8-19-2020 Miri Koral. Arts, Provocation, and Jewish History – Episode 9 from jewishLIVE on Vimeo.

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שלמה באַסטאָמסקיס ייִדישע פֿאָלקסרעטענישן / Shloyme Bastomski’s Yiddish Folk Riddles

1024 576 League for Yiddish

זײ זײַנען שפּילעװדיק און פֿול מיט הומאָר און טראָגן אין זיך ייִדישע קולטורװערטן. דערצו שאַרפֿט מען זיך מיט זײ דעם מוח. די ווײַטערדיקע פֿאָלקסרעטענישן, פֿאָרגעלייענט פֿון פּערל טייטלבוים, געפֿינען זיך…

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“Tumbalalaika”, sixteen versions for you to enjoy!

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Tumbalalaika is a Russian Jewish folk and love song in the Yiddish language. Tum (טום‎) is the Yiddish word for noise and a balalaika (באַלאַלײַקע‎) is a stringed musical instrument…

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The World Premiere of a New Zoom Play Korone un der nayer “normal” (Corona and the New “Normal”)

1024 768 YAAANA

Coming up this Sunday! We are excited to announce the world premiere of a brand new experimental Zoom play Korone un der nayer “normal” (Corona and the New “Normal”). The one-act play is inspired by Leah K. Hofman’s 1930’s Kraft (Power). The play will be…

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“Arbetsloze Marsh”, written by Mordechai Gebirtig in 1938

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Ejns, tswej, draj, fir, arbetlose senen mir, nischt gehert chadoschim lang in fabrik den hamer-klang, ‘s lign kejlim kalt, fargesn, ‘s nemt der sschawer sej schon fresn, gejen mir arum…

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