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The Importance Of Folk Music In Helping People To Feel Human

840 560 Laurence Mesirow

When I was growing up, folk music was more than just a kind of quaint exotic pretty music to which people listened.  It was also a vehicle through which people…

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“Der Rebbe Elimelekh” collection, from the world to your home

600 500 SaveTheMusic

Der Rebbe Elimelekh 25 versions from all over the world presented by SaveTheMusic. “Der Rebbe Elimelekh” is a Yiddish song written in 1927 by Moyshe Nadir and loosely based on…

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“Partizaner-himen” (Partisans’ Hymn) or “Zog nit keyn mol,” performed by The JPPC

1024 576 SaveTheMunic

Lyrics: Hirsh Glik (1922-1944) Melody: Dmitry Pokrass (1899-1978) Musical arrangement: Binyumen Schaechter (2018) Yiddish Philharmonic Chorus דער ייִדישער פֿילהאַרמאָנישער כאָר (formerly Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus / JPPC) Binyumen Schaechter, Conductor…

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Traditional passover songs for listening, singing and enjoying!

880 587 SaveTheMusic

The Maccabeats – Dayenu – Passover – דיינו Music video for “Dayenu,” a multi-genre twist on the classic Passover Seder song. Gad Elbaz – Ma Nishtana גד אלבז – מה…

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Millennial Bundism: An Interview with Isabel Frey

1024 448 Faith Hillis

INTRODUCTION Isabel Frey is a Vien­na-based activist and musi­cian who recent­ly released a debut album, Mil­len­ni­al Bundist. Faith Hillis recent­ly caught up with Frey on Zoom to ask about mil­len­ni­als’ redis­cov­ery of the…

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SaveTheMusic invites you to listen and learn more about “Zog Nit Keynmol”: Lyrics, transliterations, performers, and more!

638 307 SaveTheMusic

Zog Nit Keynmol Az du Gueist Dem Letztn Veg… Never say that you are walking on your last road… With these words starts the song written by Hirsh Glick in…

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6 Hannukah hymns from Morocco to Poland

1024 451 דזשאָרדין קוציק

מיט די חנוכּה־ און פּסח־לידער איז שטענדיק אינטערעסאַנט צו פֿאַרגלײַכן ווי אַזוי פֿאַרשידענע ייִדישע עטנישע גרופּעס האָבן אײַנגעגלידערט די אוראַלטע לידער און זיי צוגעפּאַסט צו די מוזיקאַלישע סטילן פֿון זייער…

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Four happy songs with Bodo

1000 639 SaveTheMusic

Recently, the young Yiddishist and movie lover Aaron Bendich uploaded to YouTube some disco songs in Yiddish from the Israeli film, “When you give, you take.” Until recently, almost no…

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On YouTube: JPPC sings 4 Yiddish Chanukah songs in 4-part harmony

800 431 Jewish People's Philharmonic Chorus

The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus (JPPC) conducted by Binyumen Schaechter ♫♫ 4 YIDDISH CHANUKAH SONGS ♫♫ IN 4-PART HARMONY! Borekh ate (Blessed Are You) Fayer, fayer (Fire, Fire) Ikh bin…

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