Yiddish Music

“This Land is Your Land” in Yiddish

800 600 SaveTheMusic

“Dos Land iz Dayn Land” Woody Guthrie’s “This Land is Your Land” Yiddish Translation by Linda Gritz & Daniel Kahn with Harry Bochner, Michael Alpert, & Josh Waletzky Video and…

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“Hava Tequila Cabaret” A fun-filled event featuring a cast of young and rising talent

1024 544 National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene

A fun-filled event featuring a cast of young and rising talent. Hosted by Adam B. Shapiro Dani Apple, Stephanie Lynne Mason, Daniella Rabbani, Lauren Jeanne Thomas, Bobby Underwood, and Mikhl…

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Itzhak Perlman: Popular Jewish Melodies, A Yiddishe Mame, מנגינות יהודיות (ref.rec.: Dov Seltzer)

1024 576 Jewish Website

Itzhak Perlman: Popular Jewish Melodies. *Click to activate the English subtitles for the presentation* (00:00​-01:00​) I.THE JEWISH MOTHER – A Yiddishe Mamme – Traditional (00:00​) This song, whose authors are…

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Listen and enjoy to “Di Megile” with the Bursteyn family in Itzik Manger’s unique version

1024 541 Yiddish Book Center

Programs on Yiddish literature and culture recorded at Montreal’s Jewish Public Library, 1953-2005. About this program: di megile fun itsik manger Mit: איציק מאַנגער | דב זלצר | שמואל בונים…

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Millennial Bundism: An Interview with Isabel Frey

1024 448 Faith Hillis

INTRODUCTION Isabel Frey is a Vien­na-based activist and musi­cian who recent­ly released a debut album, Mil­len­ni­al Bundist. Faith Hillis recent­ly caught up with Frey on Zoom to ask about mil­len­ni­als’ redis­cov­ery of the…

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“Makhts Of!”, Yiddish Purim Song performed by The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus

1024 576 Jewish Website

Traditional Yiddish Purim song Choral arrangement: Binyumen Schaechter (2018) Funded by a grant from the Marinus and Minna B. Koster Foundation Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus / JPPC דער ייִדישער פֿילהאַרמאָנישער…

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Yiddish Glory feat. Psoy Korolenko: “Shelakhmones Hitlern” (Purim Gifts for Hitler), A long lost Purim song from World War II

1000 576 SaveTheMusic

About the song “Shelakhmones Hitlern” (Purim Gifts for Hitler), a humorist song that makes fun of Hitler’s attempts to destroy Jewish people. Performers: Yiddish Glory feat. Psoy Korolenko Writer: Public…

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SaveTheMusic invites you to listen and learn more about “Zog Nit Keynmol”: Lyrics, transliterations, performers, and more!

638 307 SaveTheMusic

Zog Nit Keynmol Az du Gueist Dem Letztn Veg… Never say that you are walking on your last road… With these words starts the song written by Hirsh Glick in…

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Daniel Galay’s words on receiving his lifetime achievement award

823 544 דניאל גלאי

ד״ר שׂרה זיו — פֿאָרזיצערין; פֿרוי יהודית סולל — גענעראַל דירעקטאָרין פֿון דער נאַציאָנאַלער אינסטאַנץ פֿאַר ייִדישער קולטור; חשובֿער עולם: ווען כ’בין געווען פֿינף יאָר אַלט, אין בוענאָס־אײַרעס, האָט מיך…

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6 Hannukah hymns from Morocco to Poland

1024 451 דזשאָרדין קוציק

מיט די חנוכּה־ און פּסח־לידער איז שטענדיק אינטערעסאַנט צו פֿאַרגלײַכן ווי אַזוי פֿאַרשידענע ייִדישע עטנישע גרופּעס האָבן אײַנגעגלידערט די אוראַלטע לידער און זיי צוגעפּאַסט צו די מוזיקאַלישע סטילן פֿון זייער…

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