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[Live On Zoom] Yiddish Children’s Literature And Jewish Modernity

822 537 YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

Thursday, July 2 | 4:30pm (EDT) Yiddish Civilization Lecture Series See all lectures » Admission: Free Registration is required. REGISTER  Miriam Udel | Delivered in English. View the Program & Bibliography Scholars…

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A new class series – Yiddish for Advanced Students

1024 655 YAAANA

This course is for those who already read and speak Yiddish fluently and want to deepen their knowledge and learn some pitshevkes of the Yiddish structures, its history, and dialects.…

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Our special event for Mexican Jews: Yiddish-Meksikanish: Exploring Yiddish Poetry in Mexico

1024 574 YAAANA

Yiddish-Meksikanish: Exploring Yiddish Poetry in Mexico. Mexico City was a lively center of Yiddish culture, art, and education and it was the destination for tens of thousands of Ashkenazi, Sephardi, and…

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Silvia Bialik – “Oif Eibik Yiddish”

960 699 Comunidad Bet-El México

Silvia Bialik – “Oif Eibik Yidish – Telenovela y Curso” Silvia Bialik – "Oif Eibik Yidish – Telenovela y Curso" Silvia Bialik – "Oif Eibik Yidish – Telenovela y Curso"…

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Online Class with Yale Strom: “From Rajisthan to the World, the History and Culture of the Roma”

920 554 92Y

The Great Thinkers Yale Strom: From Rajisthan to the World, the History and Culture of the Roma Online Class This program is taking place remotely. If you have signed up,…

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Why are Yiddish Songs So Popular Now?

1024 451 Forverts

Join Rukhl Schaechter, editor of the Forverts, as she explores the growing interest in Yiddish music, with singers Lorin Sklamberg, Daniel Kahn, Sarah Gordon, Michael Alpert and folksong maven Itzik…

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זומינאַר: פֿאַר וואָס זענען ייִדישע לידער הײַנט אַזוי פּאָפּולער?

1024 768 פֿאָרווערטס־רעדאַקציע

במשך פֿון די לעצטע עטלעכע חדשים האָבן אָנלײַן־קאָנצערטן פֿון ייִדישן געזאַנג צוגעצויגן טויזנטער צוהערער. כּדי בעסער צו פֿאַרשטיין דעם פֿענאָמען וועט שׂרה־רחל שעכטער, די רעדאַקטאָרין פֿונעם פֿאָרווערטס, אָנפֿירן מיט אַ…

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This New Beatles Yiddish Cover Is Making Us Feel Fine

1024 683 Lior Zaltzman

The Chicago-based a cappella music group Listen Up! has given us some really great music, from this “Old Town Road” remix using the words of Dror Yikra, to this great a cappella cover of Matishyahu’s…

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“We Are Here: A Celebration of Resilience, Resistance, and Hope”

1024 480 National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene

Special Event “We Are Here: A Celebration of Resilience, Resistance, and Hope” Featuring Governor Andrew Cuomo, Whoopi Goldberg, Renée Fleming, Adrien Brody, Billy Joel, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, Lang Lang, Joyce DiDonato,…

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WATCH: ‘‘We Shall Overcome’’ sung in Yiddish

1024 569 דזשאָרדין קוציק

אין ליכט פֿון די באַנײַטע פּראָטעסטן לטובֿת די רעכט פֿון אַפֿריקאַנער אַמעריקאַנער, איז כּדאַי ווידער זיך צוצוהערן צום רירנדיקן נוסח פֿונעם הימען פֿון דער אַמעריקאַנער בירגעררעכט־באַוועגונג „מיר וועלן איבערלעבן“, וואָס…

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