
“Der Bund in Bilder, 1957-1897” (The Bund in images, 1957-1897), download it and read it for free in Yiddish and/or English

1000 700 Yiddish Book Center

Jewish labor organizing wasn’t limited to the United States. In 1897, organizers meeting in Minsk founded the Jewish Labor Bund to champion the rights of Jewish workers in Russia and…

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Listen to the first chapter of Harry Potter in Yiddish

626 417 Forward

דעם ערשטן קאַפּיטל „הערי פּאָטער“ אויף ייִדיש קען מען איצט הערן אָנלײַן בחינום. דעם טעקסט פֿונעם פּאָפּולערן ראָמאַן לייענט פֿאָר דער איבערזעצער פֿונעם ראָמאַן אַרעלע ווישוואַנאַט אַליין. כאָטש ער רעציטירט די נאַראַציע…

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Seder for a Better World An Activist’s Hagodeh

1024 578 Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring

The Passover seder is an activist’s dream of cultural ritual—a debate with dinner and drinking: an evening for celebrating liberation through cross-generational questioning, story-telling, challenging, and eating— bitter, sweet, salty—accompanied…

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Gevalt in Our Stars

1024 512 Yiddish Book Center

A Brief History of Yiddish Astrologic Practices In a striking Rosh Hashanah greeting card from the early 1900s, an angelic figure festooned with flowers directs a group of children to…

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While Wall Street Journal highlights the success of Harry Potter in Yiddish, two new books are released in NY

1024 622 Jewish Website

  Dos Hoyz in Pu-vinkl (Winnie the Pooh) and Gayve un Forurtl  (Orgullo y Prejuicio) by Jane Austen, which add to the Yiddish bibliography available to young readers and their…

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“Harry Potter” series receives official Yiddish translation

790 271 Olniansky Tekst Farlag

Harry Potter Un Der Filosofisher Shteyn This translation would not have been possible if not for the efforts of four committed colleagues: Yankl-Peretz Blum, whose linguistic guidance significantly leveled up…

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New Online Yiddish Dictionary for the New Year! English/Yidish Verterbukh Onlayn

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The groundbreaking online dictionary you have been “sitting on shpilkes” for has finally arrived! The League for Yiddish is thrilled to bring you the “Comprehensive ONLINE English-Yiddish Dictionary”, Gitl Schaechter-Viswanath…

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אַ נײַ ייִדיש־לערנבוך פֿאַר רוסיש־רעדער

630 472 יואל מאַטוועיעוו

דעם ניו־יאָרקער „אַרבעטער־רינג‟ איז שווער זיך פֿאָרצושטעלן אָן זײַן לאַנגיאָריקן ייִדיש־לערער, ניקאָלײַ (קאָליע) באָראָדולין. גלײַך נאָכן אָנקומען קיין אַמעריקע פֿון זײַן היימשטאָט, ביראָבידזשאַן, אינעם יאָר 1992, האָט ער זיך פֿאַרנומען…

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Am I small? Bin ikh kleyn?: English-Yiddish: Children’s Picture Book (Bilingual Edition), by Philipp Winterberg

1000 667 Jewish Website

English-Yiddish Bilingual Edition “Am I small?” – Tamia is not sure and keeps asking various animals that she meets on her journey. Eventually she finds the surprising answer… By Philipp…

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Yiddish in 10 Lessons. A Book/CD to learn Yiddish in a fun way

626 417 Daniel Ajzen

If a language is the key to knowledge and to communicate and understand a culture, idioms are the key to their heart. In these two books by Chaim Werdyger “YIDDISH…

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