
While Wall Street Journal highlights the success of Harry Potter in Yiddish, two new books are released in NY

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  Dos Hoyz in Pu-vinkl (Winnie the Pooh) and Gayve un Forurtl  (Orgullo y Prejuicio) by Jane Austen, which add to the Yiddish bibliography available to young readers and their…

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Gershom Scholem sitting in Sukka learning Zohar See page for author / Public domain

February 21 1982: Gershom Scholem dies

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Gershom Scholem (December 5, 1897 – February 21, 1982), was a German-born Israeli philosopher and historian. He is widely regarded as the founder of the modern, academic study of Kabbalah.…

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February 19, 1997: Leo Rosten, author of “Joys Of Yiddish”, dies at age 88

259 194 Lawrence Bush

Leo Rosten, the author of The Joys of Yiddish and numerous other popular, witty and erudite books, died on this date in 1997 in New York City at age 88. Rosten earned…

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Kirk Douglas Receives Lifetime Achievement Award | Sings Yiddish | 2002

480 360 Folksbiene

Celebrating the Folksbiene Yiddish Theatre and 100 Years of Yiddish Theatre Presented by: Governor and Mrs. George E. Pataki, The State of New York With: Jewish Community Relations Council of…

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A Language With Chutzpah: Yiddish And American Culture

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When was the last time you ate a bagel? Gave a spiel at work? Called someone a klutz? Tried to have chutzpah? Contacted Apple about an iPhone glitch? These may…

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“Harry Potter” series receives official Yiddish translation

790 271 Olniansky Tekst Farlag

Harry Potter Un Der Filosofisher Shteyn This translation would not have been possible if not for the efforts of four committed colleagues: Yankl-Peretz Blum, whose linguistic guidance significantly leveled up…

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The origin of East European Ashkenazim via a southern route

1000 624 Jits van Straten

Two populations are mentioned in the literature as ancestors of the Eastern European Ashkenazim: German Jews and Khazars. A German origin is not demographically possible, a Khazarian origin can also…

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7 comentarios que la gente hace y que me molestan sobremanera

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Por Marian Tatos  ( Publicado en Forward/Forvertz, en  Idish) Traducción: Adina Cimet Paréntesis [] en el texto, son de la traductora para contextualizar el argumento de la autora. Como profesora…

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Benjy Fox-Rosen performs Bardichever’s lament, “Doina”

1024 541 דזשאָרדין קוציק

ווען בענדזשי פֿאָקס־ראָזען האָט פֿאַרלאָזט ניו־יאָרק און זיך באַזעצט אין ווין מיט אַ פֿיר־פֿינף יאָר צוריק, האָט די ניו־יאָרקער קלעזמער־סבֿיבֿה פֿאַרלוירן איינער פֿון זײַנע נאָוואַטאָרישסטע זינגער און קאָמפּאָזיטאָרן. צום גליק…

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Q&A: A Yiddish-speaking gumshoe with a tapping toe

1024 576 Liz Harris

Gale Kissin, 67, wears several hats. She not only sings and plays guitar and percussion in Mama Loshn, the Yiddish revival band she co-founded, but she’s spent decades working with attorneys as…

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