
In Varshever Ghetto is haynt joidesh nisn, by Binem Heller

943 650

In Varshever Ghetto is haynt joidesh nisn, escrito por Binem Heller, declamado por Hadassa Kestin. Listen: Programs on Yiddish literature and culture recorded at Montreal’s Jewish Public Library, 1953-2005, click…

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“Zog Nit Keynmol,” performed by The Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus

939 602 SaveTheMusic

Zog Nit Keynmol Az du Gueist Dem Letztn Veg… Never say that you are walking on your last road… With these words starts the song written by Hirsh Glick in the Vilna…

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Verter fun der Vokh: די װי֜דעאָ־⁠זי֜צונג – Video Conference

1024 749 League for Yiddish

conference call: דער בציבור־⁠קלונג, ־⁠ען [DER BETSÍBER-KLUNG, -EN] join a meeting: צו֜שטיין צו אַ זי֜צונג; אַרײַ֜נטרעטן אין אַ זי֜צונג [TSÚShTEYN TSU A ZÍTSUNG; ARÁYNTRETN IN A ZÍTSUNG] meeting ID: די…

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Scott Hilton Davis presents: Celebrating Jacob Dinezon On His 100th Yortsayt

829 577 Yiddish Institute

Who was Jacob Dinezon, the Yiddish writer who in his day outshone even Sholem Aleichem? Scott Hilton Davis tells his remarkable personal journey with the rediscovery of Jacob Dinezon, the…

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How to translate Yiddish Humor into Japanese… Without losing your Punchline!

829 577 Yiddish Institute

Prof. Yoshiji Hirose is an internationally recognized expert in Jewish American literature, and in Yiddish literature in particular. In addition to an impressive list of publications which critically examine the…

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Kolya Borodulin presents: Birobidzhan – An Incredible Dream At The Far Reaches Of The World

829 577

Ek Velt – An Incredible Dream At The Far Reaches Of The World< ק װעלט׃ די פֿאַרכאַפּנדיקע מעשׂה פֿון ייִדיש אין ביראָבידזשאַן Please join us for the fascinating story of…

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Dvir Bar-Gal presents: Sweet & Sour Safe Haven – Jewish Refugees in Shanghai

959 577

At the start of WWII, 20,000 Jewish refugees made it to the cosmopolitan city of Shanghai, even as the revolution was raging in China and the Japanese were about to…

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Yiddish Poetry Beat to Live Klezmer Music

1024 582

A special day of Yiddish poetry and Klezmer music with Miri Koral and Klezmer Juice! For more information, visit the California Institute for Yiddish Culture and Language website on http://www.yiddishinstitute.org,…

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Jewish Passover music from Tijuana, Mexico

921 438

Hoping that everyone has had happy holidays we leave you a piece with the great Alexandre “Sasha” Gourevitch refers precisely to the holidays, enjoy it. Mtro. Sasha Esperando que todos…

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Seder for a Better World An Activist’s Hagodeh

1024 578 Workmen’s Circle/Arbeter Ring

The Passover seder is an activist’s dream of cultural ritual—a debate with dinner and drinking: an evening for celebrating liberation through cross-generational questioning, story-telling, challenging, and eating— bitter, sweet, salty—accompanied…

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