
This Monday, November 9: Yiddish Song Workshop and Sing-along!

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Yiddish Song Workshop and Sing-along led by Binyumen Schaechter Via Zoom This coming Monday, November 9 7 p.m. Eastern Time With Schaechter at the piano, we’ll learn to sing a…

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Watch “It Can’t Happen Here” in Yiddish / Sunday, November 8 / 3:00 PM (New York), 12:00 PM San Diego, 1:00 PM (Mexico City)

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National Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene cordially invites you to attend a community reading of “Do Kon Es Nisht Geshen” a Yiddish translation of “It Can’t Happen Here” by Sinclair Lewis and…

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Der Gliklecher Mentsh דער גליקלעכער מענטש yiddish cartoon

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A mayse far kinder un far di vos lernen zikh oys yidish Der Gliklekher Mentsh. (El Hombrte feliz / The happy person ) דער גליקלעכער מענטש  Multicultural Animated Project “Four…

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SaveTheMusic presents: “Mu Asapru, mu adabru”

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Here is a classic Passover song which can be a fun challenge in counting backwards in Yiddish after drinking wine. מה אספּרה, מה אדברה אותך װער קען זאָגן, װער קען…

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Yiddisher Black cantors from 100 years ago rediscovered thanks to rare recording

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Discographer Henry Sapoznik tracks down record by international Yiddish-language performer Thomas LaRue, and slips into a rabbit hole of Black Jewish history Early 1920s newspaper ads for the blockbuster New…

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Hot Pstromi’s first concert as the full band since sequestration due to Covid-19

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JFest hosts national stars for a musical celebration that glances back and looks ahead. This year’s Summit celebrates klezmer, Yiddish, jazz, world music and songs of social justice, with a…

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YAAANA: Announcing our Intensive Winter Yiddish Language Program and Other new Events

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As we near the end of October, we are getting ready for our Yiddish children’s education events and classes in November. Give the gift of Yiddish to the younger generation! There are…

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On the eve of the elections: “America the Beautiful’’ in Yiddish

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מיט די אַלע ערנסטע שפּאַנונגען אין דער אַמעריקאַנער געזעלשאַפֿט, איז גרינג די טעג צו זײַן ציניש. אַז איך גיב אָבער אַ קוק אויף די מיליאָנען מענטשן וואָס וואַרטן שעהען לאַנג…

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This Monday: Yiddish Song Workshop and Sing-along!

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Yiddish Song Workshops and Sing-alongs led by Binyumen Schaechter Via Zoom Mondays at 7 p.m. ET Starting this coming Monday, November 2 With Schaechter at the piano, we’ll sing a…

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Jave Alberstein sings “Hey Tziguele”

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Jave Alberstein sings a shepherd’s mournful song to his goats פֿאַראַכטאָגן האָט מען געשטעלט אויף יוטוב אַ ווידעאָ, אין וועלכן חווה אַלבערשטיין זינגט מרדכי געבירטיגס „היי ציגעלעך“ אַקאַפּעלאַ אויף אַ…

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