
WATCH: Beyle Schaechter-Gottesman’s powerful “Ballad of September 11”

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הײַיאָר, בעת די וועלט מערקט אָפּ דעם 20סטן יאָרצײַט פֿון די טעראָריסטישע אַטאַקן אויפֿן וועלטהאַנדל־צענטער אין ניו־יאָרק, האָט דער פֿאָרווערטס פֿאַרבעטן די האָלענדישע ייִדישע זינגערין, לוסעט וואַן דען בערג, צו…

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Shana Tova. A Gut Yor – Duo Gefilte Fish

637 354 JewishWebsite

Shana Tova. A Gut Yor – Duo Gefilte Fish

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Shana Tova. A Gut Yor – Duo Gefilte Fish

637 354 JewishWebsite

Shana Tova. A Gut Yor – Duo Gefilte Fish

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“Der Rebbe Elimelekh” collection, from the world to your home

600 500 SaveTheMusic

Der Rebbe Elimelekh 25 versions from all over the world presented by SaveTheMusic. “Der Rebbe Elimelekh” is a Yiddish song written in 1927 by Moyshe Nadir and loosely based on…

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“Partizaner-himen” (Partisans’ Hymn) or “Zog nit keyn mol,” performed by The JPPC

1024 576 SaveTheMunic

Lyrics: Hirsh Glik (1922-1944) Melody: Dmitry Pokrass (1899-1978) Musical arrangement: Binyumen Schaechter (2018) Yiddish Philharmonic Chorus דער ייִדישער פֿילהאַרמאָנישער כאָר (formerly Jewish People’s Philharmonic Chorus / JPPC) Binyumen Schaechter, Conductor…

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Traditional passover songs for listening, singing and enjoying!

880 587 SaveTheMusic

The Maccabeats – Dayenu – Passover – דיינו Music video for “Dayenu,” a multi-genre twist on the classic Passover Seder song. Gad Elbaz – Ma Nishtana גד אלבז – מה…

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Watch “Who Knows One?” Yiddish-style: “Mu adabru, mu asapru” in 4-part harmony

1024 576 SaveTheMusic

Traditional Yiddish Passover song with Aramaic title Akin to the English “Who Knows One?” Choral arrangement: Binyumen Schaechter (2017-18) This choral arrangement was funded by a grant from The Marinus…

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STM, what we think, what we want, by Theodore Bikel

1024 793 SaveTheMusic

STM, what we think, what we want as expressed by Theodore Bikel in an interview with Miri Koral, founding director of The California Institute for Yiddish Culture & Language (CIYCL).…

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“This Land is Your Land” in Yiddish

800 600 SaveTheMusic

“Dos Land iz Dayn Land” Woody Guthrie’s “This Land is Your Land” Yiddish Translation by Linda Gritz & Daniel Kahn with Harry Bochner, Michael Alpert, & Josh Waletzky Video and…

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Millennial Bundism: An Interview with Isabel Frey

1024 448 Faith Hillis

INTRODUCTION Isabel Frey is a Vien­na-based activist and musi­cian who recent­ly released a debut album, Mil­len­ni­al Bundist. Faith Hillis recent­ly caught up with Frey on Zoom to ask about mil­len­ni­als’ redis­cov­ery of the…

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