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“Coming to America” Reading Groups for Public Libraries—Yiddish Literature in Translation

1024 425 California Institute for Yiddish Culture and Language

Join us as we kick off a special five-part book discussion series focusing on the immigrant experience through the lens of Yiddish literature. The Yiddish Book Center’s “Coming to America”…

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A Language With Chutzpah: Yiddish And American Culture

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When was the last time you ate a bagel? Gave a spiel at work? Called someone a klutz? Tried to have chutzpah? Contacted Apple about an iPhone glitch? These may…

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“Harry Potter” series receives official Yiddish translation

790 271 Olniansky Tekst Farlag

Harry Potter Un Der Filosofisher Shteyn This translation would not have been possible if not for the efforts of four committed colleagues: Yankl-Peretz Blum, whose linguistic guidance significantly leveled up…

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7 comentarios que la gente hace y que me molestan sobremanera

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Por Marian Tatos  ( Publicado en Forward/Forvertz, en  Idish) Traducción: Adina Cimet Paréntesis [] en el texto, son de la traductora para contextualizar el argumento de la autora. Como profesora…

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Verter fun der Vokh: די איי֜ער – Eggs

976 934 League for Yiddish

candle the eggs: אוי֜סקלאָרן <אוי֜סקלערן> די איי֜ער [ÓYSKLORN <ÓYSKLERN> DI ÉYER] crack an egg: צעשפּאַ֜לטן <אָ֜נקלאַפּן> אַן אײ [TSEShPÁLTN <ÓNKLAPN> AN EY] cracked: צעשפּאָ֜לטן [TSEShPÓLTN] For the complete list, click here to go…

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Discover the exciting world of Yiddish at YIVO this summer!

1024 1024 Jewish Website

Learn Yiddish at YIVO in New York City this Summer! June 29 – August 7, 2020 Spend six-to-nine weeks immersed in Yiddish and discover 1,000 years of Jewish history. Delve…

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Benjy Fox-Rosen performs Bardichever’s lament, “Doina”

1024 541 דזשאָרדין קוציק

ווען בענדזשי פֿאָקס־ראָזען האָט פֿאַרלאָזט ניו־יאָרק און זיך באַזעצט אין ווין מיט אַ פֿיר־פֿינף יאָר צוריק, האָט די ניו־יאָרקער קלעזמער־סבֿיבֿה פֿאַרלוירן איינער פֿון זײַנע נאָוואַטאָרישסטע זינגער און קאָמפּאָזיטאָרן. צום גליק…

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Yiddish radio show commemorates 75th anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation

700 394 פֿאָרווערטס־רעדאַקציע

די וואָך איז געוואָרן 75 יאָר זינט די סאָוועטן האָבן באַפֿרײַט אוישוויץ. כּדי צו באַערן די קרבנות פֿונעם חורבן און די וואָס האָבן איבערגעלעבט דעם נאַצישן גיהנום, האָבן אַ צאָל…

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David G. Roskies, “Rabbis, Rebbes and Other Humanists: The Search for a Usable Past in Modern Yiddish Literature,”

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David G. Roskies, “Rabbis, Rebbes and Other Humanists: The Search for a Usable Past in Modern Yiddish Literature,” Studies in Contemporary Jewry 12 (1996): 55-77. Read full report in PDF,…

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Confessions of a Yiddish Writer and Other Essays by Chava Rosenfarb

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Chava Rosenfarb (1923-2011) was one of the most prominent Yiddish novelists of the second half of the twentieth century. Born in Poland in 1923, she survived the Lodz ghetto, Auschwitz, and…

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