
André Heller – Tsen Brider

480 360 Jewish Website

Tsen Brider (Les Dix Frères), chanson populaire yiddish, composée probablement en Russie à la fin du 19ème siècle. Interprétée par André Heller. Tsen Brider Tsen brider zenen mir gevezn, Hobn…

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Save The Music Presents: Marie Laforêt – “Berceuse” 1968 (Raisins secs et amandes) – Roshinkes mit mandlen

480 360 Jewish Website

Raisins secs et amandes (en yiddish ראָזשינקעס מיט מאַנדלען, Rozhinkes mit Mandlen) est une berceuse juive, tirée de la comédie musicale Shulamith, écrite en yiddish par Abraham Goldfaden en 1880.…

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Di Makes (The Plagues)

1024 576 Jewish Website

Words & Music, Voice: Asya Vaisman Schulman Arrangement, Bass, Guitar, Organ, Toy Piano, Accordion, Melodica, Drums: Ilya Shneyveys Art: Alexander Vaisman, Shura Vaisman Animation: Shura Vaisman 2021 Captions available in…

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What Language Does the Sea Speak? Yiddish in Tel Aviv (English Subtitles)

1024 474 BethShalomAleichem

The translator of the Tanakh into modern Yiddish, the poet Yehoash (Shlomo Blumgarten), came to the land of Israel from New York in 1914 and settled in Rehovoth. He wanted…

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A Gut Yor – Duo Gefilte Fish

638 351 JewishWebsite

A Gut Yor – Duo Gefilte Fish

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A Gut Yor

636 351 JewishWebsite

A Gut Yor

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Take 10 minutes today to remember some great writers senselessly murdered for political purposes

852 420 Congress for Jewish Culture

Precisely 70 years ago today, on August 12th, 1952, 13 Jews were murdered by the Soviet regime in the infamous Lubyanka Prison, including 5 Yiddish writers, including Dovid Bergelson, Itzik…

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“This Land is Your Land” in Yiddish

664 374 Save the music

As Yiddish singers, musicians, and translators, drawing on our own heritage, we challenge this interpretation, and stand in solidarity with Indigenous, Black, and immigrant voices calling for power, reparation, and justice in this land.

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