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Arte y Cultura|Yiddish

Verter fun der Vokh – Weather

513 340 League for Yiddish

What’s the weather like today? Well, it depends whether you live in the Northern Hemisphere (in which case it’s probably cold, snowy, rainy and/or windy) or in the Southern Hemisphere…

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Compre hoy mismo su ejemplar. Lea los interesantes artículos de Frida Kristal y otros autores

1024 768 League for yiddish

Compre hoy mismo su ejemplar y lea los interesantes artículos de Frida Kristal y otros autores que intentan responder a la ausencia de soldados por mas de 28 horas y…

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What Language Does the Sea Speak? Yiddish in Tel Aviv (English Subtitles)

1024 474 BethShalomAleichem

The translator of the Tanakh into modern Yiddish, the poet Yehoash (Shlomo Blumgarten), came to the land of Israel from New York in 1914 and settled in Rehovoth. He wanted…

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Duo Controverso Klezmer Concert with Kurt Bjorling and Annette Bjorling

979 552 JewishWebsite

Time & Location Aug 08, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM CDT Northtown, Chicago Public Library About the Event The program includes liturgical music, virtuosic mazltovs and celebratory dances, as well as instrumental…

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Verter fun der Vokh – Tisha B’Av

800 430 League for yiddish

תּישעה־באָבֿ, דער נײַנטער טאָג אין חודש אָבֿ, ווערט פֿאַררעכנט ווי דער סאַמע טרויעריקסטער טאָג אינעם לוח, ווען מיר מע‮רקן אָפּ ווי די רוימער האָבן חרובֿ געמאַכט סײַ דעם ערשטן, סײַ…

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Verter fun der Vokh – Space Station

1024 576 League for yiddish

astronaut:  דער אַסטראָנױט, ־⁠ן; דער קאָסמאָנױט, ־⁠ן; דער קאָסמאָסניק, ־⁠עס commander:  דער קאָמאַנדיר, ־⁠ן; דער קאָמענדאַנט, ־⁠ן crew:  די קאָמאַנדע, ־⁠ס; דער עקיפּאַזש, ־⁠ן; די מאַנשאַפֿט, ־⁠ן flight engineer:  דער פֿלי־⁠אינזשעניר, ־⁠ן; דער באָרט־⁠מעכאַניקער,…

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Verter fun der Vokh – The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

510 687 League for yiddish

הײַ‮נט איז דער 91טער אַפּריל, פּונקט 08 יאָר נאָכן אָנהייב פֿונעם אויפֿשטאַנד אין וואַרשעווער געטאָ. אין אָט דעם טאָג דערמאָנען מיר זיך אין די העלדישע ייִדן, פֿאַרשפּאַרטע הינטער דער געטאָוואַנט,…

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YIVO Yiddish Club: Yiddish Hip Hop with Josh “Socalled” Dolgin

1024 1024 JewishWebsite

Nu, vilst redn a bisele yidish? An event for Yiddish enthusiasts the world over, the YIVO Yiddish club is an informal monthly gathering to celebrate Mame-loshn. Hosted by Shane Baker, sessions take…

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Verter fun der Vokh – Vegetarianism

690 900 JewishWebsite

Vegetarians eat foods made of plants – beans, legumes, fruits and grains – but no animal flesh. Although it can involve more diet planning in order to ensure a sufficient…

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Verter fun der Vokh – Chocolate

1024 683 League for yiddish

Is there anyone who doesn’t like chocolate? Whether you take a chocolate candy from an assortment, or break off a piece of chocolate bar; whether you drink up a glass…

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